Friday, December 24, 2010

so this is CHRISTmas


Well, another year has come and gone! I can't say much about this year, i guess not much exciting happened, besides being alive and having Christ in my life, things stayed the same. I cannot believe that CHRISTmas is here already. I love how a few of my friends have posted it as "CHRISTmas" around all of their fb's and twitters, it really reminds me of how amazing this holiday is and the changes it does to people.

I remember as a little girl going to church on Christmas day, and looking up at the nativity scenes on the church's stage. It was always a time when i felt the happiest, where my family came together and we just loved one another. I know that those days prepared me for days of today, actually tomorrow, to know the TRUE importance of CHRISTmas. it all lies within the name, CHRIST. if you translate it in spanish, you get "navidad" but if you say "CHRISTMAS" it can mean "more CHRIST". I guess thats what we should see it as on Christmas. A day that we want more of CHRIST in our lives.

2 and a half years ago, i joined THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS, commonly known as the "mormon" church, or the LDS church. all 3 work, but its the ACTUAL name of it that hits my heart so hard. THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST. wow.just in the name, i can feel so much presence of him, and i absolutely LOVE it. These 2 1/2 years have been quite a learning experience, and i've never felt closer to my savior than i do now. Its pheonominal how much faith can place you in the right path of life, and help you realize what life IS all about. I absolutely love where my life is going now, before, i wasn't so sure. but now, i know where i need to get. I love that i have a loving heavenly father who has been there for me since day 1. i remember as a little girl praying to my "God" not really knowing how much my prayer would be heard, but having the faith that he was listening. I've always knew that my father loved me.ALWAYS. i'm so thankful for my parents and the amazing life they gave me. I've always been unconditionally loved by the both of them, and i could never thank them enough. it's just amazing how everything in life works out, one way or another, you will always find happiness, AS LONG as the means of that happiness come through good works and faith in your heavenly father. I love how much this gospel has changed my life. I may have faced my trials, and have given in to temptation, but i know that i have the chance to repent and learn from those mistakes.

This holiday season, remember what the true meaning of CHRISTmas is, keep him in your life, and you will be eternally happy. I promise, and know that he loves us all, after all, he did die for our sins, for our happiness and for our chance to be with our father in heaven again. Don't let all that sacraficing go unnoticed on his very special day. :)

much love
Mayra D.


  1. I loved this post! :) Merry belated CHRISTmas!! Happy New Year too! P.s. Good seeing you at the movies the other night! Hope you made it out dry! Lol...we got drenched

  2. why thank you my dear! i was so delighted to see you all! I really hope you had a wonderful christmas and new years! :) how are you and mr. asendorf doing? baby anytime soon?
