Friday, May 29, 2009


romeo take me somewhere we can be, its insane how a person can change your life so much just by being present in it. ive never been happier, and i love the person that sits across the table from me on our wednesdates. ive never felt so comfortable with anyone else in my entire life, and for the FIRST time ever, i can actually trully say that i am in love with my best friend.. seriously though. ive never had such a strong connection with someone as i do with Justin. and i Know that i always tend to ramble about him on this thing, which to me seriously is kinda weird, i usually dont do these kinds of things, but its okay, he knows i write on this..hahaha.. this past weekend was a blast! :) i had both saturday and sunday off! Saturday was semi filled with adventure, kind of, haha.. justin and I went to one of my cousins Quinceanera after watching like 2 movies that morning, then we just slept on the couch. We shouldve gone rollerskating, but I was pretty pooped. Sunday was fun! Went to church all day then went to my nephews birthday bbq at my sisters house, saw the fam bam then went and watched Doubt it was okay i guess. it wasnt too like interesting... but whatever! Monday was Memorial Day! I worked in the morning then headed over to sean's.  had a bbq then went to FHE where i bid on a few things, and won, for a service "missionary fund" auction. 

SOOOO...something hilarious also happened that night.. okay okay, so this girl has known Justin like all her life right, they grew up in the same ward and all. SO i met her like over a month ago, shes in our ward now, but shes always kind of given me the stink eye seriously.well i had told Justin about it when she FIRST rolled her eyes at me, but it was no bigg-e to me, i was just like, Dude, she no likey me. i donno why! well, come to find out that she has a crush on him, which, haha.... is totally funny and fine with me, just keep ur hands off and ur good, i trust ya, i trust him. well, on monday, her true colors came out. We were saying farewell to all of our friends and she comes up and gives him a hug and is like, byee Justin, and I, in attempt to seriously befriend her, because ya know, your friends are my friends kind of thing, SO i say ... "hiiiiiiiiii :D" like being seriously nice, no likeattitude or anything, just sincere hello. Instead of saying hello back, she FLIPS HER HAIR and freaking gives me the DIRTIEST look a girl can give... haha... soooo, since Justin is standing right next to me, he see's it all, and is like... WOAH!!!!! Did that just happen?!?!?!?!? hahhahah... he looks at me with like the funniest look on his face, as i smile and say " i told ya so" hahaha.. and we rude though, i dont know anything about this girl, and I DONT JUDGE HER, i dont know her to judge her, but she doesnt look like a nice person whatsover... c'mon. It just really bothers me that she is doing these things without knowing the person I am. I know she likes him, and shes probably upset that he has a serious girlfriend, but if she continues to do this, sheMIGHT just loose him completely, not by my means either, he was really mad that she did that to me... 

well, thats my week! I start working as a Manager on Sunday, im really excited but nervous all at once, hopefully i dont mess up TOO bad!! :)
i love you all!

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