Wednesday, November 21, 2012

birthday fun!

Well, it has been a while since i've posted about life. monty's birthday was november 2nd and since we've been having issues with work hours and such, we've been on a pretty tight budget lately. That didn't stop me from throwing a surprise birthday party for the hubs. i had rallied his cousins to come out in their troops :) along with some of our good friends stephanie and miguel who were the perfect kidnappers in my oh so secretive plans. haha. steph works with monty so i had asked her if she and miguel(husbands bff&stephs bf) would be oh so kind to "kidnap" my husband after he got off work the night of his actual birthday. so the plans were set and surprise surprise, he had no clue! the party was fun, the boys played their nba game while us girls chatted on next years plans! i cannot believe we are 25 already, it is insane to think that in just 2 months i will be heading into the late twenties and turning 26, snif snif. here's a few pictures of the party!


  1. I love that your cousins and my cousins are kinda the same people now. The Kelsalls lived on my street for a while and while they lived there I'm pretty sure we found some family connection. Anyway, I'm glad they're a part of your family now too. Aren't they awesome?!

    1. yea, they are super hilarious! :) what ward are you and sini in now? :)
