Thursday, October 25, 2012

Days like these rock :)

Dear today, you rocked! I am so proud of myself once again for eating healthy over eating bc it tastes good! Yesterday I was telling  the husband that I was craving some Tams burgers because,c'mon they are just so good, just thinking about one makes my mouth water! Haha but after getting to work and seeing that everyone had gotten tams and realizing that I would save money and eat less carbs if I just ate the meals that I had made at home. So I passed on the tams and just ate my lunch without stealing a single French fry, that my friends, is a serious achievement! 
This morning before work Monty and I woke up early so I could take him to a job agency so he could apply for a second job. Although we love his current job we are just struggling financially so we have to look for something that will pay the bills. So after that I came home and had some me time and was able to do my make up before I went into work and such. During this little make over I looked at my face and realized that I felt pretty and some what skinny, well skinnier than Monday. I  feel good, I feel like this is working and I really like it. I went running again today and then did my insanity so I'm pretty beat. Just wanted to update for you guys! Thanks for the support!

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