Monday, June 9, 2014

20 weeks,AKA half way until we meet!

Hello! HOLA!

So the past 20 weeks have been a roller coaster! My body is so weird and i'm finally beginning to understand what i need to do to keep my body happy during pregnancy. Might I add that I myself mentally, am totally freaking pumped and excited to be a mommy, I fully understand that everything, and i mean everything that is going on is because i'm carrying a baby therefore causing all these crazy side effects to me. It began at 6 weeks with nausea, that same week my food aversions kicked in and shortly after the smells started to get me really really sick. I couldn't stand the thought of chicken caesar salads,anything greasy, the smell of greasy food, the thought of greasy food, seeing a mcdonalds commercial on TV, even a hamburger would trigger nausea. After week 12 is when my nausea got pretty intense and each time food came up, i peed my pants. lol. it still happens. oh well! hahah. I remember it being like the 3rd week after finding out I was expecting and i threw up and while it was happening I was just thinking, and oddly smiling, how grateful I was to be pregnant. I told my little squishy that I would endure anything, just to have them there. I was already so in love! The next fun pregnancy side effect or what ever you call them was pain-full. a calf cramp in the middle of the night. OH MY G. Im pretty sure it was a 7 on the scale of pain. The entire next day wasn't any better so I made sure to drink plenty of H2O to make sure it didn't happen again, it has not. NEXT symptom is my least favorite and actually came before the calf cramp, acid reflux… I've had to say farewell to chocolate and bananas during this pregnancy because either one of those 2 will give me THE WORST acid reflux. So i chose to avoid it like the plague. lol. Next symptom was as painful as the cramp and it just happened this past friday, a pinched nerve on some part of my rib cage… yowzaaa.. not my favorite symptom at all and apparently this is only the beginning of those little pains. YIKES. i'm definitely not looking forward to those! It was hard to breathe! WELL it is safe to say that I am experiencing a full force pregnancy and I LOVE IT. I wouldn't change a single thing. Another fun thing was finding out our little nuggets gender.. according to all of the old wives…

chinese gender calendar:Girl
Ramzi Theory: Girl
Skull Theory: Girl
Sleep on my left side:Girl

Ultrasound revealed: BOY!!!!

hahaha… A LITTLE MAN! And totally opposite of any old wives tales! I'm so excited to start my little family with a boy! He's going to be the protector for sure! All of my cousins are having girls this year so its nice to be the odd one out! I'm definitely going to teach our little man to protect his cousins, even if they're a few months older!

Pregnancy has been rough, well kind of, the side affects of being pregnant have not been fun. Specially the nausea, at 20 weeks it is still here, not daily but my aversions still kick in and punch me in the tummy from time to time.I LOVE feeling him kick, I love feeling him move and flutter around in my tummy! I love knowing that we are going to be blessed with this little soul in only 4 months! I can't wait to kiss his chubby cheeks and tell him how much he means to me! I can't wait to raise him to be a worthy priesthood holder! I can't wait to show him this world!

I'm so in love with my son…

now the task of finding a name!



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