Friday, January 2, 2015


Hellos Good readers of the cyber world! How are you all? Well this past year has been the most exciting,terrifying and beautiful year of my life!It all started with a pregnancy test that got us ready for parenthood. Ezra is now 2 months old and is smiling and giggling at the sound of singing or squeaky voices. It is seriously the cutest thing ever! Well each year end i like to list off what my favorite things were of that year but this year I thought I would list the top 5 Highs and lows of the year! So here we go!


Being pregnant!- The little kicks and punches are dearly missed but I wouldn't trade the giggles and smiles for anything else

Having my In laws for a month!- Although we all squished into a small studio at 8 months pregnant, I honestly had the time of my life with my beautiful in laws! I wish they didn't live 16 hours away but I'm so grateful for technology that keeps us constantly connected!

Going to my first NBA game- Clippers!

Building stronger relationships with friends- You know who you are! I honestly have such a strong support group of friends who are constantly there for me when I truly need them! I'm so grateful for them!

Having a baby! Man was it TOUGH but after 2 hours of pushing and no progress we had to get him out! The rush of emotional change was crazy but I wouldn't have it any other way! I LOVE my little man more than anything in this universe!

Finding out Ezra has a congenital heart defect- I found out alone, in torrance with a doctor that was rude so it was hard to hear, I got in my car and called my sister and balled my eyes out. I still don't understand why our little boy has to have such a difficult beginning but I am SO thankful for modern medicine that keeps our little boy healthy! After his surgery (within 4-5 months old) he will be able to enjoy life without having to struggle breathing.

Mom getting admitted to the hospital the same week we found out Ezra had a heart condition. She was in there due to her heart failure so it was a double whammy that I couldn't handle. I was a hot mess and I'm so thankful we got through it.

Getting Pancreatitis and Having Gall stones- OH MY GOODNESS. worse than labor pain!

Having a "high risk pregnancy" which restricted me from going to the gym-waahhh

The 49ers having a horrible season and Jim Harbaugh leaving the team- WHYYY!?!? seriously i'm devastated!

Well there ya go! it was honestly so hard thinking of Lows which makes me happy because it was pretty easy finding the highs!

I really hope that you guys can find the good in life even when there are some things that can be too much to handle, there is always a bit of sunshine hiding behind those clouds! Keep fighting through them, A storm doesn't last forever!


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