Sunday, May 20, 2012

Soccer Mom!!

Today was quite an exciting day for my husband and I,well more for my husband but it was definitely great to see him so excited! Let me just explain that my husband loves sports. Most of the conversations he ever has with anyone is about sports or about basically anything, but mostly,Sports. He grew up playing rugby, soccer and criket in Australia but he loved soccer and followed Chelsea FC, a soccer club from London. To make a long story short, the underdogs that is Chelsea managed to win their way to the Championships league final agains Bayern Munich, a German Team,BLAh Blah Blah, a few penalties later and CHELSEA WINS!! My husband has been waiting 6 YEARS for this day so he was overjoyed with tears and such happy emotions. I was working all morning so he went with his friend Miguel to see the game at a restaurant in Long Beach! It makes me so happy to see him smile and be overjoyed. After I was off work we came home and got ready because we ended up going to a LA Galaxy game with our friends Shaun and Ava! They recently engaged and are planning on getting married in August! So Galaxy lost and if I may say so myself, the game was preeetty boring! The only excitement we got during this game was the fans fighting in front of us and watching David Beckham come in and out of the locker room. To be that close to such a handsome man, oh i'm so lucky;hahaha!
                                                         After getting home later that evening, we noticed that there was a pretty table sitting outside our door! We have been pretty good about paying our bills on time and trying to save some money but we havent been able to save up for a table to eat so when we saw this we were kind of assuming that maybe it was just something my mom had outside for one of my sisters to come pick up but boy was I wrong. I walked into my moms house, which is adjacent to ours, and asked about the table and my mommy had gotten it for us! We were so excited for it, but the excitement grew greater when we found out it only cost her $40! What a steal!I'm so excited to finally be able to sit here and write about my day,have my feet up on a chair after eating a bowl of cereal in my own table!
I swear my mother is such a life saver! I don't know if i'd ever be half of that woman, let alone a tenth! anywho, life is good! We've got church early in the morning so its time to say,Goodnight!!

•Mayra S•

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