Sunday, August 19, 2012

the 60 day challenge

We all know that after graduating high school you are, at some point wether it be right after graduating or in your first years of college will gain the freshman 15!After high school i managed to keep my weight where i had been but shortly after I started my gain! I was pretty active at work and all but it was nothing compared to my high school softball days kind-of-active. After starting a new job after disney i had gained some MORE weight putting me up to the 170's which was so uncomfortable that I needed to change! I started a job where walking was part of my job, i'd say around 8  miles a day because it was just so much back and forth that i never ever sat down. That was in 2008 and along with a fun social life i managed to loose some extra pounds, putting me down to the 160's which was still well over 15 pounds over my high school days. I have never ever been a skinny girl, if you had all the women in my family line up and find a common denominator, it would be our BIG butts and wide hips! After getting settled into married life back in february and realizing that dancing every weekend would no longer be your form of entertainment or weighloss option anymore, along with getting a sedentary job i easily shot up to my first time, so extremely uncomfortable but i will tell you 180's. yikes. being 5'2 i should be down at the glorious 120's because its where my body is supposed to be. Therefore i have challenged myself to changing my ways of eating along with adding exercise to the mix. I had started insanity back in May to start working out but i only lasted 4 days. Then i restarted again in July hoping to be more motivated to get down the weight but after 7 days, my old self and laziness took over so i stopped. That week i had eaten healthy and worked out was great! I noticed some weight loss specifically in my face and I really liked that I was accomplishing the challenge i had made for myself! After that stint wore off i went back to my ugly ways and those glorious few pounds came back with a vengeance. I have decided to re-challenge myself  with insanity and getting down some pounds, i want to loose 20 pounds to start and after that I would love to aim for my high school weight of 135. That is probably the lightest i've ever been so i'll aim for that! I want to be able to look in the mirror and feel like i look good, i don't want to feel like a slob any more. I want to be able to have some sort of control of my own body! So my challenge begins tomorrow, i have eaten the last of my cookies and drank the last of my cocoa-cola! I will also do the best I can to write about my progress every monday wednesday and friday! I will keep a diary of my weightloss so i can see the overall progress and post pictures every friday! I CAN do this! I WILL achieve this challenge! I hope that those of you reading this, you few you, will join me in a challenge of your own, to aim for a goal and try your hardest to achieve it! Today i sit here, with a bowl of grapes by my side, my three gorgeous nephews and my husband making you this promise that i will try with all my heart! 

here are some blast from the past pictures... along with some recent fat girl pictures ;)

With love,


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